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Too Well Adjusted

Copyright © 2006, Big Dumb Animals -- All Rights Reserved

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Lyrics by Barry Clark
Arranged by Big Dumb Animals

I comb my hair, I brush my teeth
Without anybody telling me.
I do my homework, I clean my room,
Just like all the good boys do.

I go to bed promptly at nine,
I never fuss and I never whine;
I walk the dog, I feed the cat
Wipe my feet on the front door mat.

	Too well adjusted, just can't be trusted,
	Someday I'm gonna go off.
	Turn anti-social, I'll go postal
	When enough is enough.
	I'll grab a hostage, I'll steal a car
	I'll make the news at ten;
	All the folks will say 
	"He was a nice young man."

Life in the home won't be so bad,
A weekly visit from Mom and Dad;
I'll clean my room, I'll wash some plates
I'll shoot some hoops and I'll lift some weights.


One of the first BDA arrangements, banged out in a grungy basement almost 10 years ago? I would love to re-record this one and make it really growl; the old analog demo from 1998 just doesn't do it justice!

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